The Tolerant Society

A concept that seems to be very popular in current times regarding politics and society in general is tolerance.

Tolerance is defined as "allowing, permitting or acceptance of an action, idea, object, or person which one dislikes or disagrees with".

The following segment is a critique of how the concept of tolerance is used to categorize groups of people and of the valorization of ideas that are thought to be tolerant. The main argument is that tolerance (in the context of society) is meaningless and is simply based on one's set of values, it's merely an impression and an illusion used to glorify some ideas and condemn others.

Problems with Tolerance

Being truly tolerant would imply being tolerant towards things that you consider intolerant. For instance, if someone was intolerant towards the idea of being tolerant, you, as a tolerant person, would have to accept it. This is also known as paradox of tolerance and would lead to a state of total chaos where truly tolerant people would have to accept whatever happens.

Since true tolerance (the acceptance and tolerance of everything) can obviously not be achieved in a society (it would result in chaos) the concept of tolerance has literally no value. Not being fully tolerant implies that you are tolerant to a certain arbitrary degree based on your personal set of values, if that's the case, why even bring up the illusion and the concept of tolerance?

People are pushing ideologies and framing them as being tolerant ideas that good people agree with, but since their ideas aren't actually fully tolerant towards everything (especially towards what they consider intolerant ideas) their concept and idea of tolerance is pure fraud. They are only tolerant to the extent that they believe is the respectable limit, like literally everyone else. There are therefore no difference between pseudo-tolerant people and people considered non tolerant since they both accept things as long as these things dont overflow what they personally think is respectable. In fact, the only difference is that the self declared tolerant people are virtue signalers that probably don't even understand the irony of tolerance and the misaligment between their ideas and the meaning of these ideas.

There seems to be a dangerous confusion between being open minded (something actually positive) and being tolerant (which doesn't really exist nor make sense in society). They are two very different concept: one implies considering things that seem foreign and the other means accepting things that seem unacceptable.

The biggest issue with tolerance is that the line between what's acceptable and what's not is arbitrary and different for everyone. There needs to be some kind of universal (at least within a specific community/society) agreement about common values, this would decrease confusion. If people within a society feel like their current set of values isn't tolerant enough towards certain topics or ideas, they simply have to rework and extend their set of values and include the things that they feel should be accepted. That way, there won't be any need for the concept of tolerance: people will agree with what is perceived as okay (considering these things will be included in their set of values) and will disagree and reject things outside of this set of value. Ofcourse this model is theorical and hard to implement in an actual society where ideas diverge. It's simply to display that the concept of tolerance, and even more the concept of considering oursleves as tolerant and taking pride in this fake virtue, is pure nonsense.

Uploaded 12-08-2020