Unpopular Take: Whiteboard Interviews Make Sense

This text is about how the very critiqued whiteboard interviewing method (asking programming/algorithmic questions during programming jobs interviews) actually makes a lot of sense for big companies.

We will look at the most common complaints about whiteboard type interviews and elaborate on why they actually serve their purpose almost perfectly.

Most Common Complaints

Let's quickly look at the most popular/common things that people complain about regarding this type of interviews.

- Being good at whiteboard type problems doesn't mean that you are good at programming.

- It does not reflect what you will be doing on the actual job.

- Preparing for these is a waste of time since it's mainly only about remembering things that aren't really useful in "real" life.

All of the above statements are reasonable and probably true, but that doesn't matter at all and it doesn't make these interviews bad.

The reason for these complaints is a misunderstanding of the true purpose and essence of these interviews. We shall dive into this in the following segment.

What's the Purpose of These Interviews?

To judge if a process is good or not it's essential to keep in mind the objective behind said process.

An interview is meant to assess if someone will be a good fit for a particular job.

Most jobs in big tech companies aren't very technical, therefore they don't require an insane amount of knowledge or expertise. What you want is find people that are able to do the job properly and that fit in the mold. You need people that will easily integrate and who agree with the enterprise's "values" (or more frequently lack of values).

If most jobs at in these big companies aren't excessively technical and are more related to routine/fixing stuff why would they need people that are able to ace whiteboard interviews?

The answer is quite simple: because it's almost a guarantee that these people won't be liabilities. Think about it, what kind of people would prepare and practice for hours everyday for months just to get a job that a lot of people have the technical skills for?

If you are a huge and trendy tech company and have thousands of these people applying for a job, why wouldn't you use a very strict filter?

Clearly by using such filter you have a guarantee that the people who participate in that circus are very devoted and dedicated (we shall see the reasons for that later on).

By having such process big companies can easily filter liabilities. They know that the people that can pass these interviews are either extremely tryhard or very talented (or both). This is exactly what you want for jobs that don't require very deep expertise in a specific subject. You want these people to do the jobs they're told to do without causing problems. You also want them to be somewhat independant and let the more "important" people work without disturbing them too much. The people that can ace whiteboard tests will easily be able to do the html/css/react/java jobs that they are asked to do without causing trouble, meanwhile the conceptors/creators (aka the real programmers) can find solutions to real problems that the enterprise face without much disturbance. They can then ask the bots (devs) to do the trivial parts of the implementations.

Whiteboard interviews are a very good filter: people that participate in that scheme are sure to be smart enough to do the actual job and are also sure to have the desired psychological traits wanted for these jobs (see next section).

Now that we know what's the purpose of such interview process, let's find out who's a good fit for these jobs.

The Psychology of Most FAANG Employees

If most of these jobs aren't actually very technical and interesting, then why do all these very "smart" people apply to them? What kind of people study for days and complete computer science courses to end up using cringe web frameworks and doing other trivial stuff? Who are these mad lads and what are their motivation?

A good archetype for these people would be the kid in school who was naturally gifted at maths and always studied hard without asking himself why. The reason probably being a desire to please his family or to achieve a certain status. This imply a high IQ, low introspective/meta cognitive abilities, high conscientiousness and high agreeableness. In other words, the perfect employee.

Here are more details on their psychological traits:

- Medium level of openness (intellectual curiosity and creativity). They need to have at least average openness to be able to be independant and do the tasks but they don't need them to have very high intellectual curiosity (people with very high openness probably wouldn't want to center html divs for a living anyways).

- High - very high conscientiousness (organisation/productivity/responsibility). They to be able to do their job properly and feel responsible for their actions. They need to be very organized, it's essential because wasting management ressources to look at people that do trivial stuff is a big waste. They are the mechanism that make the wheel go round, they therefore need to be reliable.

- Medium extroversion (sociability). They need to be communicative and have a desire to do team work. This isn't a very important trait as long as they aren't at the extremes.

- Very high agreeableness. This is probably one of the most important trait. They need to be naturally inclined to respect authority and to not cause trouble. They need to be respectful and to trust others. A distrust in the system would make them question their purpose, and we can't have that can we.

- Low neuroticism (tendencies toward depression/anxiety). They need to be mentally stable. These employees must not cause problems, they are just making the wheel go round, they're not here to cause breaking changes or induce chaos.

- Finally and most importantly: low introspection. It's essential that these people don't overthink their thoughts and actions. They must simply obey and believe that they are doing something helpful for society. They are naturally inclined to believe they are doing something right (i.e they will subconsciously use intellectual shortcuts to fool themselves into believing that) in order to satisfy their needs without feeling remorse. We will take a look at what their needs are shortly.

These people aren't thinkers or creators, they are iterators. Creators develop concepts, iterators add small things to them and keep the concepts alive. There is only the need for a few conceptors and a lot of iterators. Ideally creators have similar traits to iterators except that they have very high introspection, intellectual curiosity and low agreeableness. This also implies that they have different goals. The main goal of someone agreeable is to feel important and part of a group, it's not truth or innovation. Therefore iterators are much more likely to have mainstream/popular opinions, whereas conceptors are usually more disruptive. In a company you need a few disruptive people and many agreeable people that are smart enough to increment the ideas of the creators.

Their motivation is social status. They are willing to go as far as do intellectual prostitution (without noticing of course) to achieve social status. As long as the reward system of their environment gives them status they will behave without asking themselves too many questions. They are usually politically correct and take pseudo moralistic stances without really getting seriously involved in any particular cause. It's just for the smoke show, they don't actually care too much about the social causes they act like they defend. These are the people who work for the big tech companies: the ones smart enough to do the tasks but not smart enough to really know why.

When are Whiteboard Interviews Bad?

Almost always for the vast majority of companies. They're only good for huge companies or companies that have good marketing.

For whiteboard interviews to make sense you need to create an environment where you have these high IQ low introspection individuals that compete with eachother for a job they are probably over qualified for. This imply that the job provides a high social status (hence why you need to be a very big company or a very "cool" company (good marketing)).


The whiteboard interviews are meant to find the perfect iterators. It's a filter for these specific psychological traits and it's extremely effective. The iterators will compete with one another for the social status provided by such jobs, only the most talented or the ones that want it the most will succeed. This filters out the people that are potential liabilities with zero management overhead (doing whiteboard interviews is very easy for these big companies and costs almost nothing).

Uploaded 20-08-2021